Narryer Terrane Projects
The Narryer Terrane is geographically located northwest of the town of Meekathara and geologically located on the northwest margin of the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. It is prospective for nickel sulphide and gold mineralisation.
Narryer Terrane project location and tenure

LEFT: The location of the project area with respect to Perth and Meekatharra. Tenure in RED. The Yilgarn Craton [Orange] and the Capricorn Orogen [Green] are shown [source: Geoscience Australia 10M tectonic elements].
RIGHT: The project tenure with licence number annotated. Source: Desert Metals and SRK. Coordinates: WGS84, decimal degrees

There are nine granted exploration licences covering a combined area of more 1,600 km2.
Desert Metals’ projects within the Terrane include:
- Opal Bore, Innouendy, Irrida Hill, Irrida East, Breakaway, Dingo Pass and Mt Gould nickel-copper and gold prospects
- Hooper nickel-copper prospect
- Belele copper-lead-zinc-gold prospect.
The Company has been successful in discovering new greenfields mineralisation across several different geological settings, project areas and commodity types, including:
- Rare earth elements discovery in shallow clays at Innouendy
- New laterite nickel mineralisation at Innouendy
- New PGE mineralisation at Innouendy
- Blind and under cover copper mineralisation at Belele
- Encouraging host rocks and multiple nickel-copper-PGE targets at Dingo Pass.
Desert Metals also acquired 60% of the Little Gap Well / Mt Opal projects and has conducted early-stage exploration over these areas.